Sign up for a GeekWire Membership today. Lenin says it’s good for capitalism and your career.

It’s a difficult time for journalism. Newsrooms are shrinking, and “fake news” is proliferating.

But at GeekWire we’re holding firm to our journalistic roots and expanding our efforts, despite the depressing trends rattling the larger media industry.

One of the big reasons why we’ve bucked the storylines is a strong and vibrant community — devoted readers like you who believe in GeekWire’s mission.

GeekWire reporters hard at work covering the GeekWire Summit. Photo by Dan DeLong for GeekWire

We would not exist without this community, and we are so thankful that we get to perform each day for you — providing insightful, informative and entertaining news about the technology industry.

There are many ways to support us as we continue this voyage, but one of the best is to become a GeekWire member.

GeekWire members receive access to signature events, exclusive VIP parties, branding on GeekWire and much more. Our members also help fuel the independent journalism that you’ve grown to love at GeekWire, at a time when high-quality news content is needed more than ever. In other words, more members = more great stories around topics that matter to you and the community.

We have five membership levels to choose from, so there’s really something for everyone. Purchase a membership here today.

Memberships come with all sorts of benefits and perks, from special giveaways to discounted job listings to private parties. And, of course, access to GeekWire’s signature events — from the super fun Ping Pong Bash in March to the fabulously festive GeekWire Gala in early December.

Secure your spot at the 2017 GeekWire Awards, which sells out every year. Members receive automatic entrance, special seating and an extra drink ticket. (Photo / GeekWire)

Top-level members — Super and Galactic Geeks — receive automatic access to six of the great events that we produce throughout the year, including the inaugural Cloud Tech Summit in June, as well as one of the country’s premier technology conferences, the GeekWire Summit, taking place Oct. 9-11 2017.

In addition to automatic entry at events and unique name badges, members skip the lines, receive special reserved seating and get extra drink tickets. Yes, membership does have its privileges!

Even better, our top-level members get to post a special message on the GeekWire home page throughout the year — getting the word out about anything their passionate about. Check out what GeekWire members such as Zillow co-founder Rich Barton, AI2 Executive Director Oren Etzioni, Silicon Valley Bank’s Geir Hansen and others have to say on the GeekWire home page!

We’ve got five membership levels available, from the $199 per-year Seed Pass up to the ultimate $1,999 per-year Galactic Geek pass. Each comes with unique benefits, which you can learn more about here.

And, if you’re a last-minute shopper, give the gift of GeekWire membership. That very special geek in your life will love you for it!

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