Photo via YouTube
Photo via YouTube/Jurassic World

In case you were drunk, making a bathroom or snack run, here are two top movie trailers that debuted during the Super Bowl last night.

Jurassic World is an amped-up version of the classic, except this time the park is filled with people for the dinosaurs to happily pluck off. A very buff Chris Pratt is the hero set to save the day, battling the new dinosaur they engineered that is “killing for sport.” Out June 12.

The Furious 7 trailer, featuring cars being jettisoned out of airplanes before the final scene of Vin Diesel driving his car out of a glass tower, probably elicited one of the funniest comments I heard at a Super Bowl party: “Has anybody actually ever seen one of these movies?” Paul Walker is here, too, for one last ride. This one’s out April 3.

Enjoy both below:

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