Spheres Pride
The Amazon Spheres in Seattle glow in the colors of Pride to kick off celebrations at the company. (Amazon Photo / Rachael A. Jones)

Amazon takes a lot of pride in the Spheres it built at its downtown Seattle headquarters. And this weekend the Spheres showed off for Pride, the month-long celebration of LGBTQ events.

The glass domes, which serve as a unique, plant-filled urban oasis and workspace for Amazon employees, were awash in the rainbow colors of Pride to help officially kick off the company’s efforts to recognize the LGBTQ community.

In addition to the lighting, a 40-foot Pride flag was also revealed in the plaza next to the Doppler office tower and it will hang there for the month of June.

The Amazon affinity group glamazon created a Pride Facts skill for Alexa in partnership with the Human Rights Campaign. Users can listen to Amazon employees, HRC members and Audible leaders share facts and history lessons about the LGBTQ community by saying “Alexa, open Glamazon Pride Facts.”

The Spheres were previously lit in purple in March to mark the countdown to the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games, which kick off in Seattle on July 1.

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