sounders day crowd pic (5)
The crowd at GeekWire Sounders Day.

Every 18 months or so, GeekWire does something that is extraordinarily important to our well-being. A project vital to our way of life. To be successful, we need you, our readers, to be part of it. If you love us, if you’re loyal to our mission to inform, entertain, connect and inspire the smartest people on the planet, if you feel like you’re part of this community of geeks, then you’ll step up and get involved in our project.

GEEKWIRE’S 2016 Reader Survey: Click here to get started.

What the heck are we talking about? Yes, that’s right: it’s GeekWire’s 2016 Reader Survey. And we want YOU to fill it out. It should take only 5-10 minutes. Grab a cup of coffee, or your beverage of choice, and click here to fill out the survey.

Allow us a moment to explain. GeekWire continues to grow and cover a wider variety geeky subject matter every year. You’ll read more about sports tech, space and science, the cloud, and more. We’re very excited to be able to deliver the news to you, and look forward to covering so much more.

Let’s face it, good journalists don’t come cheap! For that matter, neither does office rent, laptops, and downtown parking. In order to keep the lights on, AND write the news for you, we need advertisers and sponsors to invest in GeekWire. And they want to know about YOU. Thus, the reader survey. In media we call this the “circle of life.” Let’s keep the circle going. Fill out the survey and help US help YOU!

Think about how you’ll feel after filling out this survey. We imagine a a happy zen-like feeling knowing you’ve secured another 18 months of news. But if you need more, we’ve added further motivation to move you. All who complete the survey will be entered for a chance to win two tickets to this year’s GeekWire Summit on October 4-5. This is a $1,500 prize. [Update: If you were among the initial respondents, please send your name and email to to be included in the drawing. The survey now has a field for contact information for this purpose.]

So go ahead, click on the survey, and let the demographics flow. This survey will be live for a limited time so don’t miss your chance.

Thank you for being part of the GeekWire community and for filling out GeekWire’s Readership Survey!

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