Rapper and actor Ice-T in New York in 2014. (BigStock Photo)

Amazon Help appears to be extra ready to help when a legendary gangsta rapper is tweeting at them.

Hip-hop star and actor Ice-T sent a “Message To Amazon” on Twitter this week in which he instructed the tech giant that people handling deliveries for the company should probably be wearing Amazon-branded clothing. Especially if they don’t want to get shot on Ice-T’s property.

Whomever the person was who had to deliver a box set of “Ice Loves Coco,” or whatever T was ordering — we’re certainly glad no shots were fired.

The official Amazon Help Twitter account said, “Thanks for the feedback!” and escalated T’s suggestion to the Logistics Team.

Surprisingly, that escalation went all the way to the top at Amazon, as Dave Clark, senior vice president of worldwide operations, tweeted back.

Clark even decided to attempt to meet Ice-T on the rapper’s own lyrical level, saying “We MF’ing love you and our drivers.” … insert face-meets-palm GIF of your choice.

To be clear, T was not mad. Just … concerned for driver safety.

Followers of the “Law & Order” star and the thread on Twitter did not disappoint. Many backed his call for a way to identify those delivering packages for Amazon. Others who appear to do that delivery work, perhaps for Amazon Flex, jumped in to say that they are just regular people, not actual employees of the tech giant, who are performing a side gig.

But only one response can be worthy of the “Law & Order: SVU” sound effect:

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