Extra cheap gasoline in Santa Monica, Calif., on Thursday was part of a marketing stunt for the Amazon Prime Video series “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” (Twitter Photo via @MaiselTV)

Amazon pulled out all the stops — and stopped the flow of traffic — with a Los Angeles promotion on Thursday for its television hit “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel.” In a nod to the comedy’s 1959 setting, Amazon staged #MaiselDay and helped select businesses roll back pricing 60 years.

The stunt is part of Amazon’s Emmy campaign for the series, which scored 20 nominations for the Sept. 22 event. According to the Los Angeles Times, nearly 30 business, including restaurants, salons and gas stations were taking part.

The Verge reported that gas for 30 cents at a Santa Monica station caused a little bit of a headache when those trying to snag the deal snarled traffic, too. Police reportedly had to briefly shut down the promotion to keep traffic moving, and The Verge said Amazon was working to limit the number of cars in line.

The “Mrs. Maisel” Twitter account shared images from a variety of locations where fans of the show, and fans of cheaper stuff, were taking advantage of the promotion.

One guy got a 75-cent shoe shine. Others lined up at the famous Pink’s for 59-cent hot dogs.

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