Gather around, kids. VC trading cards are a thing. (TouchBase Photo)

Forget Ken Griffey Jr.’s rookie card. Your next investment in the trading card space is going to be focused on the investors.

VC Trading Cards from TouchBase are a collection of cards featuring some of the heaviest hitters in venture capital history. The company is selling a five-pack of cards for $59.99, so becoming a serious collector could require you to raise a seed round.

Silicon Valley notables shown in a preview of the cards include Mark Andreessen, co-founder of Andreessen Horowitz; Paul Graham, co-founder of Y Combinator; Mary Meeker, partner at , Kleiner Perkins; and Bill Gurley, Benchmark general partner.

TouchBase asks visitors to its website to suggest investors or founders who they’d like to see added to the collection. There’s no word on who else might be involved in the set, or whether any notable Seattle VCs will make the cut.

TouchBase says to look for late-stage investors, angel investors, seed investors and advisors to be included, with stats about their investments and number of exits.

“We carry vintage and rare cards from the 1994 Sand Hill Road Series, the 2010 Gig Economy Series, the 1992 Private Equity Series, the 2015 Unicorn Series, and more,” TouchBase says on its site.

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