Looks like that Boston Dynamics robot is spending too much time on Instagram watching the kids do the parkour. I think parkour is French for “please stop before you break your ankle.”

A new video of the Atlas humanoid showing off proves that its backflips almost a year ago were just the beginning.

Atlas runs along a lab floor and leaps — without breaking stride — over a log (presumably from a telephone pole it ripped out of the ground) and then proceeds to hop — without breaking stride again — onto three boxes.

Shifting its weight from right leg to left and back to right, the steady robot ends up at the top of the tallest box and the video ends.

“The control software uses the whole body including legs, arms and torso, to marshal the energy and strength for jumping over the log and leaping up the steps without breaking its pace,” Boston Dynamics says in the YouTube description, noting that the step height is 40 cm. “Atlas uses computer vision to locate itself with respect to visible markers on the approach to hit the terrain accurately.”

Be real. That thing is just looking for place to hide from this like the rest of us.

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