Photo via The Onion Video/Mothershould series
Photo via The Onion Video/Mothershould series

If there’s one thing the lady, who also happens to be a mother, in your life might bitch about, it’s other mothers.

It’s no secret to us ladies that a lot of woman hate comes from other women. And in no other realm is the woman-on-woman judgmental stuff more active than on those sites, blogs, Reddit feeds, what-have-you, where women discuss motherhood.

The Onion’s taken that idea of the Perfect Mom and put it into this perfect video. The “Mom Leaderboard” ranks mothers worldwide based, of course, on their parenting skills.

It’s part of the Mothershould series, and while the videos are only three episodes in, some frustrated, tired mothers out there will probably find it amusing. Stay-at-home dads, you will probably enjoy this, too.

Happy pre-Mother’s Day:

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