1-Instacart-Hero-620x620If you shop at PCC Natural Market (PCC), you can now have your groceries delivered.

Instacart announced today that it is partnering with PCC to offer a one-hour delivery service from the largest consumer-owned and operated natural foods U.S. retailer that has 10 locations in the Seattle region.

Instacart charges $3.99 for two-hour delivery, and $5.99 for one-hour delivery when orders of $35 or more are placed. A minimum order of $10 is required. The company also offers a $99 annual membership that eliminates delivery fees for orders over $35.

Unlike Amazon Fresh, which operates its own grocery distribution facilities, Instacart employs personal shoppers who hand-pick grocery items at established stores such as Whole Foods, Costco and Kroger — it also announced a partnership with Target earlier this week.

Customers can expect identical prices on Instacart to what’s listed in physical PCC stores. Instacart also offers delivery from Whole Foods, Costco, Safeway, QFC, Uwajimaya, Petco, and Central Co-op in Seattle.

Instacart is live in 18 markets across the U.S. The San Francisco-based startup raised $220 million in February after reeling in $44 million seven months prior.

The company announced in July that its contracted personal shoppers in Seattle and Portland can apply for new part-time employee roles. These shoppers will now have the opportunity to become employees, which means more training and supervision — good for the company’s service — along with workers compensation and tax benefits, which cuts into Instacart’s revenue.

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